good governance
Malawi’s democratic milestone 

Malawi’s democratic milestone 

An independent judiciary and a grassroots movement give Malawians a stronger voice When Malawians went to the polls in June 2020 – for the second time in little more than a year - the election not only marked the...

The high cost of slaving over a hot stove

The high cost of slaving over a hot stove

Africa’s rural poor are reliant on biomass for cooking and heating, exposing them to high levels of pollutants As COVID-19 wreaks havoc across continents, an unfashionable killer silently and stealthily chokes the life...

Reliving the horror of Gukurahundi

Reliving the horror of Gukurahundi

The Matabeleland Massacre has been the worst blot on an atrocious human rights record in Zimbabwe In January 1983, Zimbabwe’s ruling ZANU-PF quashed what it called dissidence by supporters of its political rival, the...

An ailing system of water provision

An ailing system of water provision

Zimbabwe’s Constitution clearly stipulates the right to clean, safe, potable water but poor governance makes this a pipe dream for most citizens Most major cities in African countries are currently characterised by...