South Africa
Fear and loathing on the frontline

Fear and loathing on the frontline

    South Africa: dying for change   In early 2012, Ayanda Kota, leader of the Unemployed People's Movement (UPM) in the Eastern Cape, made his way to the Grahamstown police station. As an activist, he'd...

An acute sense of dislocation

An acute sense of dislocation

  Post-colonial theory: the strong arm of identity I have always been mistrustful of the rhetoric on decolonisation. Our difficulty deciding its meaning not only consigns it to a realm of needless obscurity but...

Lessons for Africa

Namibia: ethnicity and politics In the context of deep ethnic divisions and conflicts on the African continent perhaps Namibia is getting some important things right When Hage Geingob was declared the ruling South West...

Mapping ethnic conflicts

Mapping ethnic conflicts

Africa: an artificial patchwork? Understanding the dynamics of ethnic conflicts in Africa means appreciating the role of ethnic identity In 2011 Peter S. Larson, a professor at the University of Nagasaki, Japan,...