South Africa
South Africa: a time to worry

South Africa: a time to worry

Spare a thought for South African journalists, reduced to peering into murk and gun smoke for clues to what’s going on inside South Africa’s National Prosecuting Authority (NPA), the crisis-riddled state agency that...

Sudan: playing the anti-Western card

Sudan: playing the anti-Western card

The International Criminal Court (ICC) charges against Sudan’s president, Omar al-Bashir, have shaped Sudanese domestic politics and the country’s external relations for more than half a decade — sometimes in...

Africa: the search for justice

Africa: the search for justice

  Some 122 states have ratified the Rome Statute that established the International Criminal Court (ICC) in 2002, among them 34 African countries. However, two cases against current African leaders have focused...

A ‘country of the future’

A ‘country of the future’

Angola: local elections The MPLA government has promised decentralisation many times, but is afraid of losing power by Louise Redvers In April 2015 the Angolan capital Luanda hosted the inaugural “President José...

Zimbabwe: ‘indigenisation’

Zimbabwe: ‘indigenisation’

The Zimbabwean government has apparently bowed to pressure by effecting changes to its controversial Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act, which compels non-indigenous investors to cede at least 51% of the...

South Africa: policy failure

South Africa: policy failure

The South African economy has made great strides since 1994, when apartheid was replaced with a democratic system. One useful measure of this is the country’s FDI liabilities — FDI stock held by foreign companies in...