EDITORIAL: The lifeboat of informality

EDITORIAL: The lifeboat of informality

African governments and their formal business sectors often hold up the informal sector as the nemesis of formalised growth  and  organised  development  –  yet for many citizens on the continent (and elsewhere),...

Tapping into local knowledge

Tapping into local knowledge

  Governments need to see informal business people as economic actors who are rational and have good ideas In Kenya, they are known as jua kali workers – those who labour under the fierce sun. These are the men...

Popular but tainted

Popular but tainted

The scion of the post-colonial Kenyatta political dynasty, Kenya’s president Jomo Kenyatta continues to enjoy popular support for his promotion of development In public, Kenya’s third president comes across as someone...

Divided since 1963

Divided since 1963

Ethnic factionalism in Kenya results in skewed allocation of resources and opportunities towards majority tribespeople Last year three Kenyan universities closed indefinitely after a poisonous division emerged between...

Opportunity knocks

Kenya is enjoying a boom in foreign investment, but corruption and political instability still pose risks Kenya is on track to triple its foreign direct investment (FDI) inflows in 2016 as compared to 2014 on the...