Good Governance Africa
Who gets what, when and how?

Who gets what, when and how?

Good governance is crucial to Africa’s development, and Chris Maroleng of Good Governance Africa says the private sector has a key role in this, writes Craig Sisterson. Rather than relying on public sector bodies to carry the load when it comes to rectifying weak...

GGA to partner with ESG Africa Events 

GGA to partner with ESG Africa Events 

Good Governance Africa (GGA) is pleased to announce that it will partner with ESG Africa Events to host the next ESG Africa conference. The conference will be held at the Sandton Convention Centre from 6 to 8 September 2023, and will focus on topics linked to...

Youth Day: Empowering African youth  

Youth Day: Empowering African youth  

In 1991 the Assembly of Heads of State and Government of the then Organisation of African Unity (OAU) instituted the Day of the African Child (DAC), in memory of the June 16 1976 student uprising in Soweto, South Africa. At this time, students marched in protest...

Good Governance Africa
Who gets what, when and how?

Who gets what, when and how?

Good governance is crucial to Africa’s development, and Chris Maroleng of Good Governance Africa says the private sector has a key role in this, writes Craig Sisterson. Rather than relying on public sector bodies to carry the load when it comes to rectifying weak...