Strong medicine: the COVID-19 effect Despite immense challenges, the coronavirus pandemic could offer a unique opportunity for transformative change across the continent Despite the devastating worldwide effects of the...
Strong medicine: the COVID-19 effect Despite immense challenges, the coronavirus pandemic could offer a unique opportunity for transformative change across the continent Despite the devastating worldwide effects of the...
Abuja Declaration: a bridge too far Pressure from the coronavirus is exacerbating old weaknesses in healthcare delivery in public health institutions, leaving mental patients compromised In 2001, African heads of...
The business case for greening the extractive industry is strong, especially with the growing trend of ethical investing. Everything we consume has its origins in either agriculture or the extractive industries. Our...
‘The right to life’ is fundamental; an imprescriptible right inherent to all human beings. The Equity and Human Rights Commission states that governments should take appropriate measures to safeguard life by “taking...