When COVID-19 first struck, South African policymakers reacted promptly and implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns for five consecutive weeks. Despite that, and a slow release of the...
When COVID-19 first struck, South African policymakers reacted promptly and implemented one of the world’s strictest lockdowns for five consecutive weeks. Despite that, and a slow release of the...
Introduction Tanzanians are heading to the polls on the 28th October. The ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party has governed Tanzania since independence in 1961, and is the second longest-ruling party in Africa....
Traditional medicine is a valid healthcare alternative in African communities if regulated The use of traditional medicine and its perceived negative impact has raised several concerns, and given rise to a dilemma. On...
COVID-19: A GGA RESPONSE MAY 2020 The likely impact of COVID-19 on the extractive industries and it’s governance implications COVID-19, the disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, has been declared a pandemic by the...
Data dive: SDG 1 Poverty eradication requires integrated strategies that address a complex range of variables By Sixolile Ngqwala African countries are in the process of implementing the Sustainable Development Goals...