In the aftermath of COVID-19, organised crime has soared across Africa. Indeed, as noted by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), despite lockdowns and movement restrictions due to the pandemic, organised criminals...
In the aftermath of COVID-19, organised crime has soared across Africa. Indeed, as noted by the Institute for Security Studies (ISS), despite lockdowns and movement restrictions due to the pandemic, organised criminals...
Zimbabwe’s new president has vowed to entrench constitutionalism and uphold the rule of law, but recent events suggest otherwise The attempt to reverse decades of Zimbabwe’s economic ruin after Robert Mugabe’s fall in...
Transnational brokering: a complex web Businesses and criminal syndicates have both violated United Nations arms embargoes, sometimes with the collusion of corrupt state officials Arms brokering or inter-mediation is a...
Cyber crime: It’s a war Cyber crime knows no boundaries and the perpetrators are constantly improving their capabilities Cyber crime cost Africa an estimated $3.5 billion in 2017 alone, according to pan-African IT...
Kenya: the arms race Kenyan authorities are grappling to answer the question of how large numbers of illegal firearms have ended up in civilian hands Referred to as the “green city in the sun”, Kenya’s capital,...